for me

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ah.. hell. lang and elton invaded my acount when they came. So apparently the post before this was written by them. and they tagged with my name. But half of what they said was true,

went to Ritz Carlton with them, damn scared of David Lu. keep shouting over the phone.. >< wth.. like lion. So went there take pixs, eat the $100 per head food and slacking.

Thanks to jev, I and elton got saved from David Lu. He loan us 1 camera and 1 printer. Wah.. POWER!! If he never lend us, I think David Lu will kill us.

Yeow Hua tried to borrow for us too. but his camera oversea.. haha. thanks anyway.

oh ya.. Nai Chien lend me his almost 3k camera. W00t he rock man.

Was wondering how it is to have a nightmare. Never had one. or i forgotten that i had.

Because everyday

(and some,day,)

hello. this is kennedy. you may not think so, but i am him.
(i am me*)

anyway, today is a good day. i am going to ritz carlton. hot! (y)

after that i have a date with david lu (: alright! -does a bensen koh

alright bye love(s)!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

sian la teacher day.. ah.. go old school, thought no one coming, then zao home, in the end, so many people come >< so unlucky..

Oh well, at least i had a good swim today, but .. i rather meet up with all of my old classmates.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sian.. never post for so long, then lang and elton and jia en ask me blog then blog loh..

Crap la. nothing much to say. Erm.. stayed over at jevon house which was damn shiok. Play wow until craazzy.. then next day sleep sleep
[122][RS3] - Ken achieved says:
thne what's with ur almost hardcoreness?
-jev- 3eguys bring $10 for class fund tml! says:
whr got hardcore
-jev- 3eguys bring $10 for class fund tml! says:
ur more addicted to slp den im addicted to wow la

i like this.. lol-- addicted to sleep? it's a need la..
Ok. stoning over physics pt. must chiong as much as possible, tmr got cello lessons and training..
Shiok.. I got chairman. yea.. for photography club. Helping me will be li zheng as vice, elton as competition head/quartermaster and kia boon as quartermaster. Hope we own the previous batch.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Decided to do away with the stupid background. Hm... was thinking if I used the old bg, wont I be like trying to show the whole world Delta goodrem rock? but hm.. maybe not. the blog isnt mean for this.

Been swimming for weeks and running. W00t? My 2.4 km time now currently stand at 12 min + - 10 seconds, and 1.5km swimming now at 30 min hm... improve by alot. Just read YJ blog, read his thoughts about the blogging competition. Totally agree with him sia.. I mean a blog competition. WTF! of all things, why waste our time on this. Probably they trying to keep up with the craze, and trying to encourage people to be open. But those losers sue people for entering a entry... what racism or what crap. If you wanna encourage people to be open, you know what's freedom of speech? I hate this person, I insult him. Why sue me? It's my private blog. Not as thought I ask you to come over and read.. jokers..

RI is so competitive.. Sleep in class.. never listen to teachers... not the perfect student. are all this reasons why I shouldnt get above average grades? fukers.. DOUBT MY intellect? spread rumors i suck up to teachers.. I mean.. get a life la. Teachers are fair at least those who teach us.
Let's look at them in greater details.

1. Tan Puay Hock( chi) --- I almost fail chinese. so no talk about this
2. Tang Keen Yeen( eng) --- I got 77 for total.. CA 79 CT screwed. Tang doesnt like me. what bs about sucking up?

3. Mrs Foo ( bio) --- hm.. I try to be responsible as a treasurer. Update her about my accounts. But wtf? you guys should know better she is fuking fair. Try getting a mark for a answer so close to the real answer. she will say no. AND she doesnt teach bio. she talk about her life. hm.. i get tuition about her life..

4. Mrs Tan Mui Hong( maths) --- one of my fav teacher. Probably most of my friends like her.. many of them improve alot thru her teaching and singing? lol. I looked her up with a couple of 3A friends for help.. Helped me a lot.. My test got just pass.. so needed desperate help.

5. Mr Mark Wee( Physics) --- Guess what.. even Attitude problem students like him. How rocker can he be? He's my favourite teacher. my first test 8 /20 .. ok not tht I am dumb. But never study at all, never listen in class.. thought it was easy. Then screwed my practical .. argh.. u wont wanna know my dumb mistake. So i worked hard for physics, with help from Mr wee . I and yin wei went to look for him. We learned alot. I think Yin wei improved too. w00t.. all paid off. 45/ 50 for physics. highest in class THANKS!

6. Mrs Ong Wai Ling ( geo) --- She's nice. haha.. but i always sleep in class and talk.. perhaps too much for her to take. But.. I prevent her from disliking me by always giving answers no one can give. Hm.. I just love geo, perhaps my interest for sci and geo help me do well?

7. Mrs Neoh( SS) --- Hm. was history rep for her during sec 1.. Like it matters. But she's not bad. not much to say la. quite strict.

8. Mrs Kua ( chem) --- I think she quite pissed with me. but still neutral.. haha always make remarks in her lesson. but at least i listen quite attentively. Did pretty well. so i guess that spared me.

hm.. see... out of 8 teachers. Only 2 so call like me. so wtf la. suck up what shit. It's my own ability.. I mean suck up can only bring you so far? perhaps a mark or two. But wtf.. I GET A GPA OF 4.0 WITH MY OWN BRAIN AND OF COURSE THEIR TEACHING.. assholes.. screw off.. u jealous then say la.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

After cts we do this k? that's what i been telling everyone. I talk as thought everything is over after the cts.

let's see...

1. Go elton house and stay with jia en lang and co.
2. Go fish farm with elts.
3. Play 2v2 with nigel
4. Go lan with mark tang and co.
5. Go lan with marcus hb and co. Meridian
6. Collect fish tank
7. Set up fish tanks in house and school
8. Go jev house stay over
9. Play WOW
10. Watch finish tian long ba bu
11. Get 4.0 for Physics GPA --- ?? lol. to hell with this
12. Finish that thick thick book.
13. Watch naruto
14. er.. cant think of anymore.. complete all this first haha.

Got a feeling i wont have a chance to finish everything. TIme will slip away as usual.
For now enough of all this, mugging.. Zz... wth. hate mugging..

What would you do if everyone seems to be against you? Seems to wrong you for things you did not do or perhaps.. question your motives when you do something? would you walk on with your head lifted? would you heck them? or would you avoid them... break down.. cry it out.. jump down?

Sometimes.. looking at my school. It seems like a really horrible place. Look at prasatt. at JT. at others.. sometimes even me. actually.. almost everyone gets it. i mean. the school isnt one that encourage you. it isnt one that help you when you fall. It's where you learn it the hard way. It's where you pick yourself up.. with the help of one or two friend.

Friend.. do you consider those who laugh at you friends? I laugh at people too. I hate it when people do that to me. But why do i do that to others.. So ironic. Do i feel deprive? Need someone to push it on. That day.. Elton was reminding me.. If i dont like people to disturb me, i shouldnt join in when they disturb others. Was thinking of that before, but somehow, i pushed that thought aside, i didnt take it seriously.

argh.. I keep tempering elton these days.. dont know why.. Elton. dont blame me k? haha.. i know you will understand. And thanks for understanding..

Thursday, April 28, 2005

ARGH!! i miss the trip to melbourne.. went with goodie friends.. and of course best friends...

this year.. The shen RE grp shall go together on a learning trip to erm.. aha india.. joking...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

JOkes... ARGH!! cant stop saying that..

Quoting nigel-- stop saying that.. it's not you, sound so unnatural..
My reply was-- jokes... then say jugs la..

"that's you?" haha.. jokes man.. ok i am insane after having a bout of flu and sore throat... considering ponning tmr english day.. but why the hell do i have to take photos.. getting sick of it. haiz.. let's wait for tmr.. if my nose is damn red and is dripping with mucus.. lol i shallnt go then.

RE today was crazy. From research session, turn into eating dried maggi mee session. haha.. the noodles suppose to have some soup. become dried.. then taste so salty.. good luck lang.. later get kidney failure. plus diabetes..

Double bill was quite ok.. but i got a triple treat. Watched feng shuo and some other guy climb into clock tower.. IT WAS damn jokes.. haha.. damn funny la. Then feng shuo cut himself..

Played table tennis with some gay today.. not that i wnat to play with him..but he was good and guess what.. HE' from 3Q... could he be that gay voice promoting earth day? hm.. there's a chance.. WHACK HIM!! althought i wasnt winning him... apparently whenever ppl i noe walk pass.. i shall do some damn shen stroke.. w00t.. at least they think i am winning.. good enuff..

ok.. mugging time. z. hate it. cant wait to chiong dota and swimming..